Shadow in her current state. She looked a lot healthier when the Army movers took
her away. Now she hangs on my shop wall because I never drew plans and I need to keep the model to take
measurements. Besides, I like her lines and damage not withstanding, she looks good hanging there. |
This aircraft never crashed and was in
new condition until Army movers
packed it for my move to Hawaii. They packed it in the same box as my
bicycle and by the time it arrived it was shredded.
The elevator is badly
damaged and could never be made right again. The fin is broken and the fuselage is cracked on both sides from the
rear of the
wing saddle to the tail-post.
The parts that have obviously
been broken from the plane were missing when my goods were delivered. The
wing has dings and dents all over the top and bottom.
Shadow was not
built from a kit, the Army claims officer said the Army wouldn't pay for it because there was no
way to determine its value.
I went to a local hobby shop and got an
estimate from the owner as to what a comparable ARF aircraft would cost.
The Army still refused to pay for it. In fact, I was never compensated a
dime for any of the many models that were damaged or destroyed in Army moves.
In fact, when I was packing to come back to the states from
Germany, one of
the movers watched me pack my
in a box. He then took the box and beat it with his fist to force it
into another box. When I said something to him about it he flipped me
Seeing my work and my property destroyed in move after move and then being
insulted by weasel Army Claims Officers who refuse to do the right thing was
one of many reasons I left the service. There were other reasons as
well, but this isn't the place for them.
Shadow is high on my list of planes to build again. I have a lot of
ideas for improvements. For one thing, back in the day I did not have
the right equipment for this aircraft. All I had was full size
"standard" radio gear which made for a questionable installation.
Now that there is much larger selection of smaller equipment that is
reliable and affordable, I think I'll be able to make this plane what I
wanted it to be from the beginning.
Hopefully you'll be seeing the next version in the gallery in the next year
or two. |