Step 5 of 7
Remove all TextBoxes, CheckBoxes, ListBoxes and CommandButtons from frmDatabase.frm. Also remove all the labels except
lblField(0) and lblField(1).
Note: Do not remove the ImageList or
CommonDialog controls.
In the Code view for frmDatabase, look through the code and
delete any remnants of code for the controls that were removed. This code
is easily found by looking in the Declarations ComboBox in the top-right
of the code window.
Before conversion

Add two TextBoxes
to the form and name them txtQuote and txtAuthor respectively.
It is important that the correct label be placed with each TextBox.
Captions for labels are changed dynamically at run-time based on the
field definitions you have set up. For
lblField(0) set the Caption property to "Quote." For lblField(1) set the Caption to "Author."
Note: Labels
are associated with the FIELD_INDEX
Enum. The first item you enter in the Enum is associated with lblField(0).
Each subsequent lblField is indexed in the
same order as the Enum. If the labels do not have the correct caption for
the control they are associated with, do not change the code
— move the label!
After conversion
Be sure to set the TabIndex
property for each control so the controls "tab" properly.
You may want to rename the form to something other than frmDatabase.frm. I
renamed it to frmQuote.frm. Don't forget to change the form caption.

In each TextBox, add the
following code to the Changed Event:
' frmDatabase.frm
Private Sub txtQuote_Change()
Changed = True
End Sub
Sub txtAuthor_Change()
Changed = True
End Sub
You should remove the following subs from frmDatabase in addition to the control events that need to be removed:
- AddArrayElement
- DeleteArrayElement
- EditArrayElement
- PopulateArrayList